Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?
As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.
If Only We - current word count total is 58,845
Sent out to beta readers!
Sent out to beta readers!
*deep breath* Okay.
So I have finished AND sent If Only We out to beta readers. I'm a mixture of anxious and excited at the moment. It's a good thing. ^_^ I've been spending the rest of my time looking up information on formatting and ISBNs and figuring out ideas for a book tour. There is SOOO much to do!
I have ALSO been plotting out my next novel idea! I was able to plan out the first four chapters during moments of downtime at work between phone calls and customers. It made me so happy. I can't wait to get started on writing it. Maybe I'll get to work on it this weekend. I had a thought as I was plotting it that I should change the MC's name and her love interest's name. The original names aren't working for me anymore. So I'll at least be doing THAT. Then maybe next week I can tell you a little bit about the next story... like the title and some basic background and character names.
♥ Jessica Sankiewicz ♥