Friday, February 22, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (8)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count is 57,556.

And yet again... nada. I am a little disappointed in myself for this, especially with how determined I've been to get this done. Not that I'm trying to make excuses (because I do still have time where I *can* sit down and work on it) but there's been a lot going on with work, clearing out junk in my room, and online sales, among other things. *shakes head* I need to kick myself in the butt and stop stopping and start something.

I just read this article from author Keary Taylor about how self-published authors can get their work on NetGalley. I didn't know that it was possible to get on there without being attached to a publisher. The cost is actually quite reasonable, and the benefits are great. I'm considering doing this at some point, not for If Only We, but for a future work.

 Jessica Sankiewicz

Friday, February 15, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (7)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count is 57,556.

So... I did not get much of anything accomplished here this week. I started working on fixing the chapters by writing them all down in the notebook so I can go through and adjust them. I made too many chapters and it just doesn't work right. Why didn't I just stick with my original chapter plan? I have no idea. This next week I NEED to get back to editing. I am failing miserably when it comes to this. It is very frustrating to me that I still am not getting anywhere. Real life always seems to throw a wrench in the writing plans... but I'm not going to let it bring me down. I am determined to get a boatload of edits and scene changes in by next update..... because when I finally DO get these edits done, I can share with you my new book idea. Not to mention freaking WORK on the new idea. Lol.

By the way, came across this post this morning that I think made my day. J.A. Konrath giving us the play by play of what should be included in your ebook AND in what order. This shall help immensely in a couple months for me, and may be very helpful to you too!!

 Jessica Sankiewicz

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (6)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count is 57,556.

I finished the preliminary edits!!! It only took, what, a couple weeks? Thanks to all the stuff that got in the way... not to mention the insanity that which is grammar check. It helped in some places though, trust me. You don't realize how often a few of the little things can slip through the cracks, no matter how diligent and grammar conscious you may be. It's a good reminder.

And if you want a quick laugh, I suggest checking out my Twitter feed. It might provide some amusement. Oh yeah, and if you're not following, you really should, because my Twitter feed (when I'm actually able to tweet, lol) is awesome.

 Jessica Sankiewicz

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (5)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising for beta readers.

If Only We - word count is 57,556.

No change in word count just yet. I'm only... let's see... 1/3 of the way through my initial edits? It's been slow going this week. The grammar check on Microsoft Works is stopping for all my sentence fragments when there's a POINT to the sentence fragment. It's for EMPHASIS. And then ending sentences with prepositions... I'm sorry, I can't help it. I'm getting better! ^_^

This weekend will probably not include much in the way of editing because I have too much to do. But I'm going to spend time after work all of next week on it. I wish I wasn't so behind on other stuff! It's holding me back on getting this ready to go. If it gets delayed, oh well. I'll get caught up soon.

 Jessica Sankiewicz