Monday, August 26, 2013

I may or may not have finished revisions on If Only We

Okay, so I DID finish revisions on If Only We late last night before I went to bed. Talk about a "Woohoo!" kind of moment. I surprised myself with how quickly I've been able to get through the revisions these last couple weeks. I'm not sure why I had such little progress up until then. My only guess is that I let too many other things take priority and didn't take the time to sit down like I kept promising myself to. In any case, I am so grateful that it's done.

When I realized that I finished it, everything started running through my head. Once you finish one big step when it comes to writing/publishing, you realize there's another big step to take right after. And the next big step for me is beta readers.

I was expecting to send it out to them the very beginning of September. Now that I finished almost a week earlier than expected, I'm sort of in a panic. Not that I'm freaking out THAT much. It's more like one of those, "Did I really revise it well enough that the betas will be able to follow and enjoy the story well enough despite any errors/passages that need some tweaking?" So, instead of sending it off tonight, I'm going to go through my notes and double-check a couple scenes (especially one I was thinking about at work to make sure two different scenes tie in together and don't contradict) and send it out tomorrow or Wednesday. Not only that, but I have to copy/paste the whole thing into a Word Pad document so that everyone can open it up.

SO! If you've been chosen to be one of my beta readers, I'll be sending you a quick email tonight to let you know that I've picked you and that you'll be receiving If Only We (and all the beta reading details) in your inbox by Wednesday.

I'm still planning on an October release date, the specifics I'm unsure of yet. It all depends on how quickly everything decides to come together over the next month or so. While I wait on the betas, I'll be putting together a list of people to read/review If Only We. If you would like to be on that list, please send me an email at and I will add you to it. I'm hoping to have ARCs available not long after the betas send me their feedback.

Well, that's about it for today! I'm going to spend the rest of tonight getting If Only We ready to send out. Have a great day everybody! :)

 Jessica Sankiewicz