Friday, August 2, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (31)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count total is 57,556.
current revision word count is 33,718

I managed to revise 3538 words this week. It really is slow going. Part of it is because I'm trying to fix the issues between the chapters. Originally I had a lot of chapters, WAY too many chapters to the point where several were only a few paragraphs long. I didn't like that, so I have been changing it. It looks a lot cleaner so far, but when I reach certain sections it feels like a disaster that needs to be dumped on the floor and all the pieces sorted out. Fortunately, most of the scenes I get to are easy to transition between because once I fix that transition, most of the rest of the words in the scene don't need to be changed, at least not much. And BOOM! Another block of words done. The last scene I revised, which is one of my favorite parts of the story by the way, didn't need any changes to the words. I kind of just sat there gazing at the screen, thinking about how much I love that scene.

Anyways, I'm getting down to the last third of the revisions here and it's getting intense! I have the goal of having the book ready for betas by the end of the month. I was HOPING for sooner but I do not want to push myself any more than I already am. It's a reasonable amount of time, considering my tentative "sometime in October" publishing date.

The COVER REVEAL for If Only We is THIS COMING MONDAY. I am so excited. I can't wait to show you guys the cover. If you're interested in participating but haven't signed up yet, I am more than happy to include last minute participants. I'll be sending out an email tonight so that everyone can get their post put together for the big reveal on Monday. So, sign up before I get home from work tonight, and you can be included!

 Jessica Sankiewicz

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