Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday's Letters #4

Friday's Letters comes from Ashley at Adventures of Newlyweds.

Dear friends participating in NaNoWriMo, You can do it! I know you can! Keep those words coming. You'll reach the 50,000 before you know it.

Dear poetry, Holy crap, I didn't realize how many unfinished poems I had started in my brainstorming notebook! I now have, I believe 6 new poems written this week alone thanks to that.

Dear new story idea, I really do love you. But, could you please stop inspiring me just for a wee bit longer? I need to finish just one story, just ONE, and then I can sit down and outline you. Oh heck. I may outline you anyway. You're just that awesome.

Dear new winter coat, You are coming in handy, and just in time too. My brother told me that you look like a coat Kate Beckett wears. Talk about a bonus in awesomeness. Maybe I shall get myself a Richard Castle as well, hmm?

Dear me, You shouldn't have stayed up until one in the morning four nights in a row this week. You may not need to get up as early as you used to, but you still need to be able to function.

Dear Julianna at Dreamless Designs, Thank you so much for designing my book blog! It looks absolutely amazing. I adore it so much. <3

Have a great weekend everyone!!! 

 Jessica Sankiewicz


  1. Participating in Friday's Letters for the first time! Please stop by our blog if you have a chance. Have a great weekend. :)


  2. I want a Kate Beckett coat and a Richard Castle too! lol Hooray for 6 new poems, and knowing you, you'll go ahead and outline the new story idea. I love your new blog design, I keep going over there just to admire it. ;-) <3

    1. Hehehe!!! I actually did write out a basic premise in my story notebook last night. I didn't want to lose the idea as it was in my head, otherwise I'd have forgotten something.

      You do?! So do I... lol. I just want to hug it and squeeze it! ;)
