Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday's Letters #5

Friday's Letters comes from Ashley at Adventures of Newlyweds.

Dear Three Days Grace, We had a good run the last couple weeks and I've memorized the whole album but it's time for me to listen to something new. I'll come back to you though, I promise.

Dear overtime on Wednesday, I'm not a fan. Especially when I'm already exhausted from working the night shift the day before. I came home and collapsed on the floor. Then proceeded to laugh at things that weren't really that funny. As amusing as that part is to look back on, I don't think I'll be willing to take you on again anytime soon. So, please don't come up again? Okay, thanks!

Dear books, There are too many of you to read, and I don't have the time like I used to. Slowly but surely, I'm plugging away at the to be read pile. I wish I wasn't an adult sometimes. Then I could read like I did when I didn't have all these responsibilities.

Dear blog post ideas in my head, You need to be typed up. Like now. Because I'm going to forget what I want to say.

Dear Steph, I am so excited to come out and see you and Brennen Saturday. I shall be coming bearing gifts AND Black Sheep on DVD for us to watch. Nothing could be better than seeing my schoolgirl crush looking adorable as ever... and chuckle silently over how weird everyone in school thought I was to have a crush on David Spade at 12 years old. You were the only one who understood.

Dear new followers, Thank you so much for following my blog! There's not much to write home about yet, but I am glad to have you along for the journey. I am working on making this a fun place to stop by, not only for writing related things (like those blog post ideas in my head from above and a weekly writing update), but also other cool and amusing stuff. Like my conversation post from last night with Rebecca.

Have a great weekend everyone!!! 

 Jessica Sankiewicz


  1. Hey there! Stopping over from the link-up and now your newest follower. Totally know what you mean about the blog posts in your head.

    Stop by sometime!

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by and following! I'll go check out your post as well. :D

  2. There are too many books to read and blog posts to write and not enough time. If only we could get paid for this stuff, eh? Life would be so cool then lol. I haven't done Friday Letters in two weeks because I haven't had time and my days of the week are all messed up (ha). I hope you have a great weekend - have fun with your friends! <3

    1. I was just thinking about how much I would love to get paid to do the fun stuff I do. Oh I know, I almost opted out of doing the extra stuff this month, but I want to keep traffic coming to this blog. Hope you have a great weekend too! :D

  3. BLACK SHEEP. Always going to be one of my favorite movies. "Can we PLEASE try my idea?"

    1. Hehehehe! What's funny is that we ended up watching The Emperor's New Groove instead, but it was still a dose of David Spade. I do need to watch Black Sheep again very soon. I think I've forgotten too many lines and need to brush up on that! ;)
