Friday, March 15, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (11)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count is 57,556.

Still no news here. I am getting most anxious to get back to writing though. Did I just say "most anxious"? That's what I get for watching Persuasion a couple days ago. It's been a busy week, not just work and preparations for moving... but I ended up coming down with the flu. It hit me like a ton of bricks and then it was over within 24 hours. Thank goodness! Last thing I needed was to be sick for much longer than that.

In any case, I am hoping to get myself back to normal by the end of this month. I've still been thinking about my stories in the back of my mind and writing down notes here and there, but it's not the same. One thing I have been thinking about is how being away from the story for this long might actually be a very GOOD thing for me. I always hear that you should take a break from your story when you finish it, then come back to it in a couple weeks or more. I believe this to be very wise because I can already envision how much my story will improve when my mind is not tangled up. You know that feeling, when you've been working on the same thing for too long and you just can't focus or make it any better. But anyways. It'll be good for me when I can get back to writing. In the meantime, I'll let the mindless task of packing keep the wheels turning in my mind so that I can come up with great things to write about! ^_^

 Jessica Sankiewicz


  1. Isn't a blessing and a curse that as writers were always thinking about our stories even when were sick or too busy. I hope the time away gives you some good insights. I totally believe stepping away from a project gives you perspective.

    1. Lol, yes, a blessing and a curse! Exactly. ;) I hope so too!

  2. I'm glad you got over the flu quickly! Being sick for any longer than that seriously would have sucked.
    I think a break will be good for your brain. I didn't touch WFTS for months after I wrote it, and then with each revision I've given it a few weeks and with this final revision I feel like I'm really tightening things up and keeping in mind things my betas have said and just things I've learned in general. It's amazing the things you learn and don't realize you're learning but then when it comes time to apply it, it's like 'oh yeah, fix that because it sounds funny' or whatever. I hope you're able to get back to it soon!

    1. I know! I was surprised how fast it went away, very grateful, but surprised.

      "It's amazing the things you learn and don't realize you're learning but then when it comes time to apply it, it's like 'oh yeah, fix that because it sounds funny'"

      ^ This. Exactly. I was noticing that when I went through my first round of spelling/grammar check revisions. It was like, "Why did I word it like that?!" Hahaha! WFTS is going to be awesome. I mean, it IS awesome, but it shall become awesomER. ;)

  3. Letting something sit for a while and then going back to it is really helpful. It gives you a chance to forget a little, so that you can catch errors and WTF moments.

    Good job getting over the flu quickly! That would've put a dent in packing if it had lasted longer.

    1. Exactly! I catch more errors when I'm away from my writing. This should be a good thing. :)

      Oh yeah, it definitely would have!
