Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (10)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count is 57,556.

This is a late post, but, there's a reason.....

How many weeks in a row will there be nothing new? Okay, there's one little thing new. I had this insane urge to write Wednesday night, so I started plotting out my new story idea and came up with some interesting lines for ANOTHER story idea. And I kinda sorta wrote a poem in my journal. Otherwise, nada. But this week... I am going to share with you the reason for all this nonsense...

After a lot of thought (over the last couple months), I have decided that I am going to move out on my own for the first time. It's something I have wanted to do since I became an adult but there was always something that got in the way, whether it was relationships or finances or other circumstances. Last year was a big year of change for me, and near the end I decided I wanted to make some big changes in 2013. I wanted to do more, to be more. My original plan was to move out in the fall of this year but I kept moving the date from October, to July, to May, to March... and so now, it's March and the plans are in motion. I've signed a lease and I'll be moving in less than 2 weeks. It's going to be crazy busy for me and my writing/blogging will probably be lacking, so don't worry when you don't see much of me in the next few weeks. I promise it will all be back to normal in April. ^_^

 Jessica Sankiewicz


  1. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, so exciting! I'm still kind of in shock that it moved from fall to spring, so I can only imagine how you're feeling right now lol

    1. I know, it's still a shock to me. I am feeling quite overwhelmed, but I'll survive. :)

  2. wow! Moving out is such an exciting step. No wonder you won't have time to do much else. Take it easy.

    1. Oh, it is exciting/time robbing, lol. I will, thanks! :)
