Friday, January 25, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (4)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count is 57,556.

AND, if you didn't see my post on Tuesday, I have FINISHED my first full write through! I haven't done much since finishing, aside from writing a couple notes to self as far as fixing issues I know I need to take care of. I am hoping to get started on my final revision before betas this weekend. I should be able to get through this a little bit quicker since everything is written out now. From what I can tell, there shouldn't be too much to change, mostly minor variations and a couple scene changes and add-ons. I CANNOT WAIT to get to this edit! Normally, I wouldn't be so excited, but since I'm *this close* to finishing completely, I want to get it done QUICKLY.

By the way, I'll be writing down my list of betas and cover reveal volunteers this weekend. If you've emailed me about either, I'll be responding to your email this weekend as well. This is actually reminding me that I need to start writing down people for my acknowledgements because I do NOT want to forget a single person who has been helping me along the way. ^_^

 Jessica Sankiewicz