Thursday, October 4, 2012

Welcome to my official writer (soon-to-be author) blog!

Hello everybody!

You may know me as the Jessica from the book review blog Thoughts At One In The Morning. I have posted off and on about my writing endeavors on there--updates on word counts, epiphanies on scene structure, etc. Although I plan on continuing to post little tidbits on there, I wanted to make things more official. So I decided to get to work on an author blog.

Of course, I am not an author yet, but it is my goal. I am working diligently to finish my first novel, If Only We. I first started writing it during NaNoWriMo 2011. That first 50,000 word draft is making its way through revisions. While I got a lot of the story started there, it has evolved into something much better than I intended. I've developed better characters over the last 9 months and certain scenes have come to me since then that have filled in pieces I didn't know I was missing. It's been quite an amazing journey, and one I never imagined I'd ever follow through on. So I am thrilled to be on it!

This blog probably won't take off completely until the time comes for beta readers and blog tours. In the meantime, I'll try to post once in awhile with any updates and new items to share.

I thank you all for your support and for following this blog to keep up with my writing!

Jessica Sankiewicz


  1. YAY! I'm so excited I found this when you first started it so that when you're a famous author I can say I was the first person to follow your blog. ;-) I'm going to subscribe by email so that I can keep up when you post! <3

    1. Hehehe! You're the best! I may do a weekly update on here so that I stay on top of things for awhile, but we'll see how well I keep up with that. :P Thank you! <3

    2. It's hard to keep so many things going at once. I'm so bad with keeping my author blog updated lol. I was thinking of maybe doing an Update Thursday type thing but just writing updates (obviously). And I'd thought of the Friday's Letters thing for the author blog too (big surprise there since we seem to be reading each other's minds lately lol) could address characters or problems or bloggers or beta readers - there would lots of options and it would drive a bit of traffic to your blog and give you a regular feature. ;-)

    3. Oh, I know. That's why it took me so long to put up the first post. I wanted to make sure I can try to have something to regularly post. I need to kick myself into gear and post something every week, even if it is just a mini update.

      Of course we're reading each other's minds again! ;) I'm hoping to get a little more traffic to this blog so a regular feature connected to another blog would be a great idea. :)

  2. Hi! There are all kinds of regular features you could do here--the possibilities are endless. :) I think I'm going to join in on NaNoWriMo this year, especially when I read about how your novel started last year and has taken off since then. I think it's really exciting to hear as well as inspiring. :)

    1. Thank you so much for following! The possibilities are endless! :P NaNoWriMo can really get you motivated if you put your mind to it. By the time it is over, your brain has turned to mush but you feel accomplished. I'm so glad to be inspiring to you... and good luck on your NaNo endeavor! I'll be rooting for you. :)

  3. Yay! Congrats on starting your new blog. I've always wondered whether I should create a blog just for my writing but I don't have time to even keep up one blog let alone two! Am excited to see what you come up with on this page. Maybe some excerpts ;P

    1. Thank you!!! I figured I should keep the book blog separate and have a spot just for the official business, even though I will advertise my books on T@1AM. Yes... maybe some excerpts... once I get it polished! ;)
