Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday's Letters #1

Friday's Letters comes from Ashley at Adventures of Newlyweds.

Dear new job, I seriously love you, even when it's busy and I'm running around the pharmacy like crazy, because you are awesomer than my old job. I actually don't mind going to work anymore!

Dear book blog, I promise I will get back on track soon. I'm working on some reviews and articles. I will have them all written and scheduled by the end of the weekend.

Dear If Only We, I want to finish writing you so badly, I get the urge to just start running around the house in frustration. The current chapter I am on needs to just be done because I want to start on the next one before the words stop piling up in my brain.

Dear dreams, I am begging you, please, keep being amazing. You have given me the chance to be around Nathan Fillion two times, and Ed Westwick once, not to mention another cute guy. Oh, and thanks for the story ideas.

Dear weekend, I am so glad you are finally here for two reasons: #1, I'm tired and I need to catch up on things and relax; #2, Sunday is my favorite day of the year--Apple Butter Fest! I get to see a bunch of people I hardly ever see and walk by the river and the canal. It's going to be legendary!

Dear weather, Could you warm up just a little bit? My nose and fingers would thank you.

Dear Marie, Thank you for joining my giveaway hop! Even though it's going to just be the two of us on Monday, I still think it will be great. XOXO!

Have a great weekend everyone!!! 

 Jessica Sankiewicz


  1. found via a blog hop that got me into friday letters as im going to start one :)- lovely post hmm nathan fillion xx from a fellow writer xx

    1. That will be great! I'll have to check yours out sometime. :)

  2. I want Nathan Fillion dreams!! I'm so glad you're loving your new job. I hope you find time to finish your current chapter and get started on the next, AND I hope you have an epic weekend! I went with my family to the orchard last night and will be posting pics on FB hopefully soon, plus likely blogging about it since I don't have much to blog about these days on Lost and Found! I wish more people had signed up for the giveaway hop, but we'll make it awesome anyway! <3

    1. Lol, oh, I know... they're amazing. Nathan's amazing. I'll probably get off here in a minute and get to writing. I wrote maybe 100 words last night. Ooh! I look forward to reading your post and seeing pictures. :) We will totally make it awesome! Maybe next time people will be begging to sign up. ;)

  3. I really like this meme, so cute!

    I am so glad you like your new job, I think that is so important!!

    1. It is the cutest thing! It is important to enjoy your job. Thanks for stopping by! :D
