Monday, October 15, 2012

Express Yourself #1: What language would you like to speak and why?

Express Yourself is a weekly meme hosted by Jackie at Bouquet of Books and Dani at Entertaining Interests. The purpose of it is to get us to talking about the things that inspire us to write and inspire us in general in life. Check it out!

This week's question: 
What language would you like to speak and why?

There are several, but I still fall back on the following two: French and American Sign Language.

When it comes to French, I've always been drawn to that language. It's so romantic. I tried to learn some of it myself when I started to homeschool but all I really did was learn a bunch of words and how to pronounce based on placement of letters and accents. So, if you would hand me a sentence in French, I may be able to pronounce it correctly, but I would have no idea what I'm saying. Lol.

With ASL, a friend of mine taught a class years ago that I took for about a year. I found the language (and the culture) amazing and fascinating. I loved learning it. There's something about it that just makes me feel so great. I didn't get to continue learning it but I've been wanting to pick it up again and maybe someday actually take courses at a college and become fluent.

How about you? I'd love to know!

 Jessica Sankiewicz


  1. I've always wanted to learn sign language as well! But I'm really terrible at leaning new things now. If I could pick a spoken language I would have to go Spanish. It's such a beautiful language and it always sounds so romantic.

    1. Really? That's awesome. Sign language is so much fun to do, I miss learning and using it a lot.

      Spanish would be a nice one too--it is beautiful and romantic. :)

  2. Oh sign language is a great one. I actually have a life long friend that is completely deaf without her aids in. I only know the letters, numbers, and a few generic words. This is a GREAT language to learn!

    1. It's good that you know letters and numbers, that is definitely a good start. I don't know if they teach it in school anymore--that's when I learned the letters. :)

  3. I've been interested in Sign for awhile too. It's so amazing how many versions of Sign there are all around the world. One Deaf woman who gave a signed and spoken talk at my community college many years back said she was signing with a Japanese woman and thought she were being asked if she were a prostitute, but the Japanese woman was asking, in Japanese Sign, what she did for a living.

    1. Oh, I know! I remember reading an article once that showed the differences between ASL and BSL (British Sign Language) and it was crazy that even that was different. It really is amazing. :)

  4. I remember talking about this with you several months ago, and I'd actually forgotten until I read this post. This is reason #4,335,184 that it's a crime we don't live closer, because we could learn together!

    1. I know! When I was writing this post, I was thinking about our conversation. Agreed times ten about reason #4,335,184! ;)

  5. ASL - awesome! When I was in college, that was one of my top choices that I thought about majoring in, though I didn't take that route. *sigh* I drove my adviser crazy. LOL

    Thank you for participating in the meme!

    1. Aw man! That would have been a great choice, it's too bad you didn't get to do it.

      Thank you for hosting it! :)

  6. I think French is so hard. I had some in college, but have forgotten most of it. But I totally agree with you on the sign language !

    1. I wish I could have stuck with French when I did, then I might be able to understand it a bit more. It is hard. I'm glad you agree about ASL! :)

  7. Yes I studied French as well and I agree, it is hard.
