Monday, April 22, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (16)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count is 57,556.

I think May is going to be the month of getting my life back on track. I need to stop getting distracted with the every day and other little things. I believe I can finish up on the rest of the stuff I need to do and get back to not only writing my story, but also keeping my writing blog regularly updated. So much to do, so little time! Anyways..... hope to see you guys still around come May and that I'll have more to offer you guys. ^_^

 Jessica Sankiewicz


  1. Good luck. Like we were talking about on my blog, it's such a balancing act to fit it all in!

    I think I'll spend May getting ahead on reviews, and pick up my stories in June.

    1. Thanks! That will probably be a good thing for you. It's good to take care stuff and set writing aside for a moment so you can look at it with fresh eyes. :)
