Friday, July 5, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (27)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count total is 57,556.
current revision word count is 20,425

Not a super high count this week, but it's something. At least I managed to do a little bit this week. I'm working on combining three chapters into one at the moment. One of the sections that is coming soon is one that I marked as needing to be fixed. It was one of those parts that was not meshing with something near the end, it was revealing more than should have been revealed early on. I hope I don't give myself a headache trying to work it out. One thing I'm not sure about is whether I may have referred to the scene later on. If I did, I will need to keep an eye out for it so I can fix that too.

Even though a writer should focus on one project at a time, I couldn't help but start writing part of my next book. I totally had this strange epiphany one morning during a dream on how I could start the story. It was a very bizarre situation, I don't even know how I found myself in it in the dream, but it was so hilariously perfect it HAD to be the opening to the story. So, I wrote it. I wrote 1,000 words. BOOYAH. When all you've been doing for the last 6 months is revise, it feels awesome to write again. I really, Really, REALLY need to come up with a title for this one soon though. It absolutely drives me INSANE not having a title. But I am having a heck of a time coming up with one. Maybe I should go through the brainstorm for the last book title and see if anything strikes me.

So anyways, I was reading this article online this week and it kinda smacked me in the face pretty hard. Especially #1 and #3. I haven't been reading like I used to, and I'm finding that I miss it terribly. Not just because I love reading, but for what it does for my writing. So I'm feeling the need to cut back on the non-essentials online so that I can get back to my former reading/writing routine.

 Jessica Sankiewicz


  1. Don't you just love it when you have a dream that somehow gives you a new story idea or magically gives you the answer to one of the plot holes in your current WIP? I'm glad you seem to be making progress on your edits. Trying to squeeze three chapters into one doesn't sound like much fun. Hope it all goes well.

    1. Oh yeah, I love dreams that inspire things for stories! :D The three chapters shouldn't be hard to squeeze together, they're on the short side. ;) Thanks!!

  2. Writing feels GOOD, doesn't it? You can get so bogged down in revising and you're just itching to be done and move on but you know you can't, so I'm glad you had that dream and started writing something new!

    1. IT DOES. And revising does bog one down... And I am so glad for it too!! I love when I have those dreams. :D
