Friday, June 28, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (26)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count total is 57,556.
current revision word count is 19,809

Well, I failed this week.

Not that I'm going to beat myself up over this. I just need to TRY HARDER. Set aside more time to focus on revising. I have to admit, I've been pretty distracted with both things online AND writing down scene ideas for my next book. And as much fun as those things are, I need to prioritize. Right now, that priority is If Only We. Finish the revisions, send to betas, THEN I can start writing the next book.

So, if any of you guys have something to give me incentive to stop allowing distractions, I'll gladly welcome it!

 Jessica Sankiewicz

Monday, June 24, 2013

Listening to the bands and music we love

One thing you need to know about me is that I have this tendency to be obsessive...

Rebecca: You gotta love that moment when My Darkest Days comes on Pandora.

Jessica:  OH MY GOD. And now I have to listen to them... blast you!

Rebecca: HAHAHAHA. Putting My Darkest Days on there was a brilliant idea though.

Jessica: Hahaha! I have a Three Days Grace radio... I should listen to that right now. I'm just on a Marina and the Diamonds kick. OMG her music is just freaking awesome. It has all this FEELING in it and I just love it.

Rebecca: Lol, sometimes there's just one kind of music you're in the mood for.

Jessica: Yes. Definitely. Like the other day I was about to leave for work and I was like DUDE I WANT TO LISTEN TO THREE DAYS GRACE so I grabbed their latest CD and listened to it. OMG it was the best thing EVAHHHH!!! So that will be played in my car for the next couple weeks. It'll be like right after I bought the CD all over again. It was SO WEIRD listening to it in my car. I hadn't listened to the album in a couple months and it kinda took me back to when I started at my last job because that's when I got the CD. It was like this crazy feeling, like déjà vu.

Rebecca: We must love our music A LOT. I do that too

Jessica: We do. Music is awesome times infinity to the eighth power squared.

Rebecca: Ditto.

 Jessica Sankiewicz

Friday, June 21, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (25)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count total is 57,556.
current revision word count is 19,809

Hmm... well... I didn't get too far this week. Then again, I only worked on it for an hour at the most. I managed to type out several dialogues on my phone (I got a new one and can type out SOOO much more at a time, it is awesome), including one I need to add to If Only We. I was scrolling down to remember how I wrote out a certain scene so that I could make sure the scene I was working on matched up and I noticed something that was off. So, I made a note in my phone on how to fix it. Other than that, I accomplished very little writing/revising-wise this week. I'm hoping for better numbers by next week. I'd like to push to reach the halfway mark, but I don't want to set my sights THAT high. It just depends on how much free time I manage to have this weekend and next week. We shall see! ^_^

 Jessica Sankiewicz

Monday, June 17, 2013

Thoughts on my song of the moment and alcohol

Disclaimer: I really don't drink alcohol that much. I don't know if wine coolers even really count. They almost have enough alcohol to create a placebo effect on one to imagine that they're being goofy because they think they just drank alcohol when they really didn't. I'm honestly this crazy sober too...

Jessica: I'm addicted to this song right now.

Rebecca: I'll have to check that song out. Got Pandora on right now.

Jessica: Well, stop Pandora and listen to the song dang it!

Rebecca: Ok ok ok lol.

Jessica: Hahaha! It's been playing in a loop over the last like two or three days... I can't remember when I discovered it. I was on Twitter looking for something else and I saw a link to this song and was like, "Hmm, what's this?" Clicked it... and BOOM. Obsessed.

Rebecca: It's very catchy.

Jessica: I've been dancing around my living room... :D

Rebecca: Snap. You are very happy.

Jessica: What can I say? Oh, and I drank alcohol tonight. And somehow find myself extremely giggly at the moment for no apparent reason.

Rebecca: I so nearly asked you if you were drinking.

Jessica: You should be drinking too. Because drinking is awesome and it tastes delicious.

Rebecca: Oh, believe me I want to but I have school tomorrow and I have to leave early.

Jessica: Seriously though... I got some wine coolers because I wanted to have a variety around to just have with dinner once in awhile. It was the best idea I've ever had. I've become more accustomed to it. Like drinking a wine cooler or a drink before was kinda like, "Yeah, this is good" but it was kinda one of those things that didn't always taste the best, you know? Drinking alcohol is something you have to grow to like to some degree, and I think I've finally hit that point where it doesn't taste weird at all. I'm actually relatively sober. I drank most of the wine cooler two hours ago. I almost got another, but I decided I should be a good girl..... A good girl? What is wrong with me?! I should get another wine cooler and stop talking crazy.

Rebecca: I can't think of a response to all that.

 Jessica Sankiewicz

Friday, June 14, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (24)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count total is 57,556.
current revision word count is 18,218

I don't think I met my goal from last week but I still got somewhere. Nearly 3000 words is nearly 3000 words! I'll take it! It is getting to the point where the story gets somewhat frustrating to read through. I'm thinking in my head, "Is this believable? Does this conversation make sense? WHAT IS UP WITH THIS SENTENCE?!" In any case, I'm going to push to meet the goal for last week AND another two chapters.

What's annoying me is that I keep getting these inspirations for my next couple stories. It's like "PLEASE just let me finish this one first! Blast you inspiration and imagination! I love you but you're killing me!!" I'm fine though. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to type out a full scene for the next one to shake things up a bit. We'll see.

 Jessica Sankiewicz

Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (23)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

As you have seen, my main focus as of right now is If Only We, a young adult contemporary novel. I am in the process of revising and rewriting this one.

If Only We - current word count total is 57,556.
current revision word count is 15,328

I can't remember how many chapters I've gone through... but I believe I did hit my goal from last week. I *think* I'm on Chapter 9 from the first draft, but because I combined a couple chapters, it's technically now Chapter 7. So, it still counts. Right? I'm going with yes.

Okay, on to the revising process: This last week has been pretty good. I did have a freak out over this one sentence that hated me. Other than that it wasn't too bumpy. I actually deleted full sentences and paragraphs. And I didn't freak out! It felt good. Like, REALLY GOOD. The first one I was looking at and debating, then I said to myself, "Just delete that blasted section! It SUCKS and it adds NOTHING to this scene. It actually RUINS it. DELETE IT NOW!" So I did. I haven't hit any of the major changes yet. Once I do, the word count may slow down a tad because I'll have to figure out how to fix those scenes.

OMG. So, other than the revising, I have managed to come up with like a bazillion ideas for my next couple novels. My phone has... *counts* ... HOLY CRAP... 30 notes on it with dialogue between my characters. Plus, I wrote another conversation directly in my idea notebook. I really need to finish If Only We so I can move on to the next one.


Goal for next week: Another 4 chapters. Why not? ^_^

 Jessica Sankiewicz