Friday, December 28, 2012

The Official Post On What Is To Come in January

I started this blog for the sake of my writing career. I wanted to have a platform specifically to showcase the details of my writing and future publishing endeavors. My book review blog could be used for that, but I wanted to separate the two.

The last few months in my real life have been very chaotic to say the least. I quit my job of 6 1/2 years and started a new one the following week (both as a pharmacy technician). It meant working an extra 10 hours a week, which was fine by me, but it meant I had to reschedule other things in my life. That wasn't easy to do, and it's still a bit tough managing my free time. Two weeks this month, I worked 6 days in a row to help out with a massive project inputting data for nursing homes in the computer, one of those weeks logging in 50 hours.

Needless to say, this blog ended up falling by the wayside. It was unfortunate considering how much I wanted to keep this up to keep my followers updated. But, now that we're heading into a new year, it's time to get back on track again. Here is what you will be seeing on this blog soon...

1). Weekly updates on my writing every Friday.
2). Occasional posts related to writing.
3). Details on If Only We for beta readers and review requests, and the cover reveal.
4). The completion and publication of my novel If Only We.
5). An announcement of the next novel I'll be writing.
6). Another announcement of another writing project.
7). Occasional Music Monday posts whenever I've been inspired by a song.
8). The occasional personal post on some important non-writing things that are going on.

I will also be setting up an official writer Facebook page sometime in January AND possibly getting a redesign on the blog.

So, that's about it! I just thought I would let you guys know that I am still here and I'm working on some big things to keep this blog updated and getting somewhere with my novel. A huge thank you to those who have been sticking around! *hugs*

 Jessica Sankiewicz

PS: A very warm welcome to all of my new followers! Thank you so much for following! XOXO!


  1. Yay, a PLAN! I seriously need to do this. My poor author blog gets the shaft big time, and I need to rectify that. That's one of my big goals for 2013 - show my author blog some love! I think I should probably do a weekly update too, especially since I'll be starting revisions on book 3 soon...I'm kind of panicking because I only have a few beta readers in mind (although I'm so grateful and will love you forever knowing that you're already on board), so maybe if people know more about it I'll be able to find beta readers. Anyway...2013 is going to be EPIC, Jess!!! <3

    1. 2013 WILL be epic! For sure! Oh yeah, making a plan helps. I am working on all sorts of goodness. I think I'll be spending the rest of the weekend squaring it all away and setting it all up. Talk about last minute planning. Oh well. I love that you'll love me forever for beta reading. I actually need to get myself together and get those sorts of preparations in order for my own writing career. We'll both do just fine, I just know it. :)

    2. Well I'd love you forever even if you didn't beta read for me lol. Maybe once you're closer to being ready you should start a newsletter and you can put out feelers that way, as well as the blog and directly contacting people, etc. I started one yesterday: And you know I'll help you any way you need!

    3. Yay! Marie will love me forever no matter what! <3 Maybe I should do some sort of newsletter. I really just need to sit down and start a list of bloggers to contact for review requests. I also need to figure out who to get for beta reading. I'll start on here first though and go from there. But, a newsletter is definitely a possibility. PS: Signed up for yours!!! :D

  2. This is seriously exiting news Jessica! Sign me up to be a beta reader for If Only We. I am so hyped to finally read your writing :)

    1. Oh Lan, I love you!!!! I will write you down right away. <3 Not sure exactly how soon it will be ready for betas, but I'm crossing my fingers by the end of January. Thank you so much! :D
