Friday, October 25, 2013

My Weekly Writing Update (43)

Because what's a writing blog without a writing update?

~ If Only We ~

*breathes* Okay. We're nearly there. The release of If Only We. I ended up uploading it last weekend to Amazon to make sure that there wouldn't be any issues that would delay the release. So, it's available on Amazon RIGHT NOW. It's also up on Barnes & Noble. Official release day and Day One of the If Only We Tour is Sunday the 27th though. I have, as of writing this, EIGHTEEN absolutely WONDERFUL people hosting me on their blogs with spotlights, guest posts, interviews, reviews, and excerpts. You can see everyone participating in the tour by clicking here or just clicking the tab above that says "Blog Tour." There may even be one or two more, just waiting to hear back on them. During the tour, I won't be posting any update, so you won't hear anything else until two weeks from now. I'll recap the tour and talk about what's coming next!

One thing that's coming next is something I haven't talked much about on here yet. I have a novella in the works entitled Our Chances Are. I've been plotting it out in between blog tour planning but haven't had much of an opportunity to write. Everyone keeps talking about NaNoWriMo, which is coming up quickly. I know I wouldn't be able to participate (tail end of the blog tour on the first two days of November, plus I'm starting a new job on the 4th), BUT I thought it would be a good idea for me to make it a goal to write the novella in November. I can cheer on my writer friends AND be writing a little bit at the same time. I'm anticipating the novella being between 10,000 and 15,000 words, so it shouldn't be too difficult to reach, even with my busy schedule.

Anyways... Can't wait for Sunday AND can't wait to semi-participate in NaNoWriMo!

 Jessica Sankiewicz